
The content's last review date is indicated on each page. All content is for informational purposes only and may not reflect the most current legal and regulatory developments. All summaries of the laws, regulations and practice are subject to change.

Welcome to the 8th edition of the Global Baker McKenzie Restructuring & Insolvency Guide*. The Guide has been compiled by Baker McKenzie lawyers experienced in the practical aspects of restructuring and insolvency. It should provide you with a helpful reference tool to understand the numerous insolvency and restructuring regimes that may affect your business.

Our lawyers have been advising on some of the largest and most complex multi-jurisdictional restructurings, recoveries and insolvencies for many years. Bringing together experts from a variety of disciplines, the Restructuring & Insolvency Group at Baker McKenzie provides a full service offering. In addition to our dedicated restructuring lawyers, our team will call on the expertise of colleagues in our wider group, including specialists in finance, capital markets, M&A, employment, tax, dispute resolution, real estate, intellectual property and international commercial & trade. Together we apply our experience in providing complete cross-border restructuring and recovery solutions.

As ever, a brief overview such as this cannot deal with some of the more detailed issues or circumstances that might arise in particular settings. Please do not hesitate to follow up with us if we can be of further assistance. Contact details for our lawyers in each country can be found in Our People section.

Please visit our R&I blog at restructuring.bakermckenzie.com for further insights from our group.

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For any inquiries or assistance regarding the Global Restructuring & Insolvency Guide, please contact us.

