
The content's last review date is indicated on each page. All content is for informational purposes only and may not reflect the most current legal and regulatory developments. All summaries of the laws, regulations and practice are subject to change.

Welcome to Baker McKenzie's Global Financial Services Regulatory (FSR) Momentum Monitor. The FSR Momentum Monitor is a horizon scanning tool allowing financial service providers to plan and prepare for coming developments across the jurisdictions in which they operate. Grouping upcoming changes into key business-relevant themes, the FSR Momentum Monitor highlights the extent and expected impact of upcoming regulatory intervention in multiple jurisdictions across the globe. Cross-border momentum towards increased regulation, or a common approach adopted by regulators, is examined in our accompanying global commentary.

Read 2023 commentary

Read 2022 commentary

Please find a brief overview of the tool below.


Karen Man
Chair, Global Financial Services Regulatory

How do I use the FSR Momentum Monitor?

The FSR Momentum Monitor is easy to navigate. Coverage is organised into the following business-relevant themes:

  • Environmental Social and Governance (ESG)
  • Governance & Culture
  • Operational Risk & Resilience
  • Fintech, AI & Data
  • Financial Crime.

Click the icon below to view analysis from our experts using the heat map display. 


Filter by category and click on a country for an explanation of the rating assigned. Red, Amber and Green ratings indicate the following:


One or more upcoming developments (or the trend of developments considered as a whole) had the potential to seriously impact affected firms, involving significant change to business practices, significant investment of time and/or resources, or significant regulatory change or obligations.


One or more upcoming developments (or the trend of developments considered as a whole) have the potential to impact affected firms, but the expected impact will not be as significant. This category also covers forthcoming developments (or the trend of developments considered as a whole) that should attract a ”watch and wait“ brief from affected firms where the full impact is not yet known but should be closely monitored.


No upcoming developments are expected to significantly impact affected firms. This category also covers circumstances where there are no relevant developments to consider, or where developments are still too early or vague to assess impact.

The "All Topics" option on the interactive heat map defaults to the highest applicable complexity RAG rating for each country on the map. Click on the map to view details on each topic per country.

To help locate a jurisdiction on the map please use the 'Find a Jurisdiction' dropdown on the top right of the screen.

Additionally, you can select a country from the dropdown on the left to view all topics. You can also compare content using the "Start Comparison" feature at the top of the page by simply selecting the topic/s of interest (e.g. Financial Crime and ESG) and the relevant countries. This will display a summary table of the Red/Amber/Green (RAG) ratings and accompanying analysis. This is exportable to excel and word formats.

How often is the information updated?

Our experts are asked to consider upcoming changes in the course of the next year. Each response is date stamped. Responses are updated every 6 months.

What if I need more information?

Our attorneys regularly publish updates and commentary on topics covered by the FSR Momentum Monitor. Navigate to these via direct links provided in the relevant rating summary, or via the links on the left hand side of this page.

Please contact us if you would like to learn more about any of the issues discussed, including how they can affect your business.


Please note that the tool is intended for information purposes only. No one should act or refrain from acting on the basis of any content on the site without first obtaining matter specific advice.