Economic violence
This means acts or omissions of an aggressor that affect the economic livelihood of the victim through limiting, controlling or impeding her economic income (Article 9 of the SCVW).
Patrimonial violence
This means an action or omission of the individual that prevents adequate attention to the needs of the family; and any act that damages, loses, steals, destroys, retains, distracts or appropriates objects, instruments or property (Article 3 of the LADV).
Physical violence
This means actions, behaviors or omissions that threaten or injure the physical integrity of a person (Article 3 of the LADV).
Psychological violence
This means a direct or indirect action or omission with the intent of controlling or degrading the actions, behaviors, beliefs and decisions of other people, by means of intimidation, manipulation, direct or indirect threat, humiliation, isolation or any other conduct or omission that causes damage to the psychological health, self-determination, integral development or personal growth of an individual (Article 3 of the LADV).
Violence against women
This means any action taken against a woman because of her gender that causes death, damage or physical, sexual or psychological suffering to women in both the public and private spheres (Article 8 of the SCVW).