As a protection order, the court may order an abuser:
It is not defined as a specific term under Japanese laws and regulations. Under the Penal Code, "rape" is defined as an act of committing sexual intercourse forcibly through assault or intimidation. A few cases have held that the crime of rape can be committed between the spouses in a married couple. In these cases, the defendants' argument that the crime of rape cannot be committed between the spouses in a married couple as long as they are married was rejected. The courts have held that although married couples have the right to ask each other for sexual intercourse, the crime of rape can be committed between the spouses of a married couple if the manner in which that right is realized exceeds the extent to which it is generally recognized as acceptable under social conventions.
Therefore, the crime of rape can be committed between the spouses in a married couple and there are no differences in terms of the requirements that constitute rape between marital rape and normal rape. A person who forcibly commits sexual intercourse with his/her spouse will be deemed to have committed rape as defined in the Penal Code.