Hydrogen Developments
Development stage

October 2021: on 6 October 2021 the Russian Government approved a series of Russia's strategic development initiatives until 2030, including the one titled 'Clean energy (renewables and hydrogen)' - being a part of the 'Technological Breakthrough' section of the said initiatives. The authorities are now developing a federal project to detail the 'Clean Energy' initiative.

Source: List of Social-Economic Development Initiatives of the Russian Federation until 2030 | Web-site of the Russian Government

On 15 October 2021 the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation released the Russian Atlas listing more than 40 low-carbon hydrogen and ammonia projects across Russia prepared in cooperation with businesses. The Atlas aims to be a reference point for investors.

Source: Russian Atlas of Hydrogen and Ammonia Production Projects | Web-site of the Russian Ministry of Trade and Industry

On 15 October 2021, the Russian President instructed the Government to examine the feasibility of hydrogen and ammonia production centers to be powered by tidal power plants, including the Penzhinskaya (Okhotsk sea - Kamchatka and Magadan regions), Tugurskaya (Okhotsk sea - Khabarovsk region) and Mezenskaya (White Sea- Arkhangelsk region) facilities, and engaging foreign partners to set up such centers.

Source: Instructions following Eastern Economic Forum plenary session | Web-site of the Russian President

August 2021: the Russian Government approved the Concept of Hydrogen Development. The Concept reaffirmed Russia's objectives set by the Energy Strategy, set more ambitious export targets until 2050 and defined the following timeline:  

  • Stage 1 (2021 - 2024) - export target of 0.2 million tons. During this period Russia plans to:  
    1. Establish four hydrogen clusters: (i) Eastern - to export hydrogen to Asia and develop hydrogen transportation and power infrastructure - primarily to be located in Sakhalin island, north of Japan; (ii) North-Western - to export hydrogen to the EU and reduce Russian exporters' carbon footprint - primarily to be located in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, located on Russia's Baltic shore; (iii) Arctic - to ensure the low-carbon energy supply of Russia's Artic Zone and export hydrogen (potentially via Northern Sea Route); (iv) Southern - that may be set up in Russia's south having developed infrastructure, high natural gas availability, renewables potential and proximity to major export cities.
    2. Implement pilot hydrogen projects, including those based on electrolysis power by low-carbon power and those based on fossil fuels coupled with CCUS
    3. Develop technologies and industrial technologies, including those to produce hydrogen via water electrolysis and out of fossil fuels, its energy mixes, utility-scale storage and transportation, fuel cells, turbines and hydrogen power stations, fuelling installations, vehicles and robotics (hydrogen tech and products)
    4. Conduct relevant R&D activities
    5. Develop relevant regulations and incentives
  • Stage 2 (2025 - 2035) - export target of 2 - 12 million tons. During this period Russia plans to:
  1. Launch first utility-scale hydrogen production facilities
  2. Kick-off pilot hydrogen consumption in Russia's domestic market
  3. Implement hydrogen technologies in petrochemicals, electric power, metallurgy, housing, transportation and other industries
  4. Scale up production and export of domestic hydrogen tech and products
  • Stage 3 (2036 - 2050) - export target of 15 - 50 million tons. During this period Russia plans to:

  1. Secure Russia's role as one of the largest global exporters of hydrogen, its energy mixes, hydrogen tech and products to Asia-Pacific and the EU.
  2. Commence widely implementing hydrogen technologies in transportation, power and industry.

Source: Concept of Hydrogen Energy Development in the Russian Federation | Web-site of the Russian Government

October 2020: The Russian Government approved an action plan for hydrogen development until 2024 noting:

"The Russian Federation has a significant potential in hydrogen power, namely proximity to European and Asia-Pacific markets, resource base (natural gas, oil, coal, underused electric power capacities) and scientific background in hydrogen production, transportation and storage".

Apart from various organizational and regulatory actions, the Roadmap provides for the implementation of high-priority pilot hydrogen projects that envisage, inter alia:

  • Development, production and use of pilot equipment for carbon-free hydrogen production
  • Development, manufacturing and testing of gas turbines for methane-hydrogen fuel
  • Development of hydrogen-run railway transport prototype
  • Development of pilot sites for low-carbon hydrogen production at hydrocarbon processing facilities or natural gas production facilities
  • Nuclear-based hydrogen production

Source: Action Plan 'Development of Hydrogen Energy until 2035' | Web-site of the Russian Government

June 2020: the Russian Government approved a new Energy Strategy until 2035. The Strategy declared a major goal for Russia to become the world's leader in hydrogen production and export. It also established specific export targets of 0.2 million tons by 2024 and 2 million tons by 2030.  

To achieve these targets the Government intends to implement or incentivize the following:

  • Investments in production, transportation and consumption of hydrogen and hydrogen-based energy mixes
  • Increase of hydrogen production based on natural gas, including using renewable and nuclear power
  • Development of Russian low-carbon technologies to produce hydrogen by methane pyrolysis, electrolysis and other means, including by a way of foreign technologies localization
  • Internal market demand for hydrogen fuel cells in transportation, as well as the use of hydrogen and hydrogen-based energy mixes as energy storage and conversion tool to increase the efficiency of centralized power supply systems
  • International partnerships in the hydrogen field and expansion to global markets

Source: Energy Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2035 | Web-site of the Russian Government 


For more detail on Russian hydrogen strategy, regional clusters, international partnerships and possible investment frameworks for various types of hydrogen projects, please see the thought leadership publication prepared by Baker McKenzie - Russia Taking a Stand in Global Hydrogen Race.

For further details on Russian capabilities in the global hydrogen market please see a presentation by Infrastructural Center EnergyNet of Russian National Technological Iniatitive click here.