There are several public and private initiatives in the US related to green financing for sustainable real estate projects. Examples of these initiatives are as follows:
- The DOE's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy works with businesses, industries, universities and other organizations to increase the use of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies by offering financial assistance.
- THE PACE financing is another initiative, as outlined in the section on “Incentives for green retrofit.”
- A variety of financing initiatives are also available at the state level. State Energy Revolving Loan Funds (RLFs) enable State and Territory Energy Offices and their partners to use an initial capital fund to offer long-term, low-interest financing for a variety of uses, ranging from residential and commercial building retrofits to job creation and industrial efficiency. RLFs also provide states with a flexible tool through which they can introduce the market to a variety of clean energy financing approaches, such as energy savings performance contracts, on-bill repayment mechanisms and public-private partnerships. According to the National Association of State Energy Officials, (NASEO) nearly every State Energy Office is involved in clean energy financing. For a more detailed description of these financing programs, see the State Energy Loan Fund Map prepared by NASEO.
- Private and nonprofit green financing initiatives also exist. The Enterprise Green Communities provide grants, financing, tax-credit equity and technical assistance to developers that meet the criteria for affordable housing that promotes health, conserves energy and natural resources, and provides easy access to jobs, schools and services.
- Additionally, national and regional banks have even implemented financing programs for various green projects, such as retrofitting existing buildings with products that increase energy efficiency.