There are several government-funded and sponsored schemes in Morocco for improving energy efficiency. These initiatives include the following:
- The Moroccan Agency for Sustainable Energy (MASEN), a state-owned limited company, is one such initiative for improving energy efficiency. Its mission is to foster a competitive renewable energy sector in Morocco by leading development programs for renewable energy projects with greater emphasis on solar, wind and hydro technologies.
- The Program for Energy Efficiency in Industry (PEEI) promotes energy efficiency measures in the industrial sector. It includes mandatory energy audits and sets minimum energy performance standards for equipment, as outlined in Law 47-09 on energy efficiency.
- L'Agence Marocaine Pour L'Efficacité Énergétique (AMEE) is a public institution that aims to implement energy efficiency programs by proposing national, sectoral, and regional plans for energy efficiency development. For instance, AMEE has implemented the "Eco-Binayate" label with the main goal of promoting environmental sustainability in construction practices with regard to new residential buildings that fall under thermal regulation requirements. This label is awarded to buildings that are evaluated against a set of criteria encompassing factors such as project organization, construction quality, building performance, environmental considerations, ventilation systems and optimization of water consumption. The label is then rewarded to buildings that are able to meet or exceed certain energy efficiency standards.
- Energy Efficiency Codes in Residential Buildings and Energy Efficiency Improvement in Commercial and Hospital Buildings in Morocco is a program designed in collaboration with the United Nations Development Program that aimed to include energy efficiency in the global building sector.
- Tax incentives have been implemented to improve energy efficiency. The Moroccan government offers tax exemptions to social housing developers that comply with national energy standards and promote energy-efficient construction practices.
These programs aim to reduce energy consumption, lower carbon emissions and promote sustainable construction practices throughout Morocco.