Green Certification
Is there a nationally adopted and recognized form of certification for buildings? What is it and is it mandatory for all new buildings and refurbished buildings?

The implementation of green building practices in Morocco, while strongly encouraged, is not mandatory. In this context, there are several certifications to which one can choose to adhere.

We can particularly mention the following:

  • The Moroccan Thermal Building Regulations (RTCM)

    The RTCM, as approved by Decree No. 2-13-874 of 15 October 2014, set the rules for the energy performance of buildings and establishes the National Committee for Energy Efficiency in Construction.
  • The standards set by the Moroccan Standards Institute ("Institut Marocain de Normalisation") (IMANOR)


    IMANOR works toward standardization and certification in various sectors, including construction (i.e., sustainable construction standards, building performance standards, sustainable city and community planning standards, thermal insulation standards, and acoustic standards).

  • Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies (EDGE), a green building certification system developed by the International Finance Corporation (IFC), part of the World Bank Group


    EDGE aims to promote resource-efficient building practices in emerging markets by offering a measurable and credible way to demonstrate the environment benefits of building green. EDGE certification is managed by entities like Green Business Certification Inc. and Bureau Veritas.

  • Haute Qualité Environnementale and others