Luxembourg has a nationally recognized certification for buildings known as Lëtzebuerger Nohaltegkeets-Zertifizéierung — Luxembourg sustainability certification(“LENOZ”).
Introduced in 2017 by the Luxembourg law of 23 December 2016 introducing sustainability certification for housing, as amended (“Law of 2016”), as supplemented by the Grand-Ducal Regulation dated 27 April 2022 amending the Grand-Ducal Regulation dated 23 December 2016 relating to sustainability, LENOZ certification is designed to serve the specific needs of the residential sector, including single-family houses and multiunit residential buildings.
The purpose of the LENOZ certification is to raise awareness of sustainable housing and bring more transparency to the property market. The certificate provides a great deal of information, according to the specific requirements set forth under its Schedule I, about the certified dwelling and serves as a guide throughout the entire construction process. It can be used to assess the consequences of decisions taken by the owner of the building, not only in terms of energy efficiency but also in terms of the sustainability of the home, its location and indoor air quality.
The LENOZ certification is based on data provided in the building’s energy performance certificate (EPC) (as such certificate is described in detail in the section entitled “Energy performance certificates and minimum energy standards” hereunder.)
The LENOZ certification can be issued by architects, consulting engineers, energy consultants and other professionals authorized to issue EPCs. The Ministry of Housing and Spatial Planning grants financial support to building owners that would like to apply for a LENOZ certification for their residential property.
However, any construction, transformation or demolition of a building requires prior authorization from the mayor of the commune. The certificate issued by the mayor, stating that the planned construction has been duly authorized, must be posted in the vicinity of the construction site by the project’s contracting authority.
Other internationally renowned certifications delivered by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (“LEED”), the Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Methodology (“BREEAM”) or Haute Qualité Environnementale also apply in Luxembourg. However, they have mainly been designed for functional buildings or large buildings.