Environmental certification is still not mandatory in the Czech Republic. Over the past few years, the share of certified buildings has significantly increased, particularly for office and logistics properties. The most common certifications on the market are (i) the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design certificate, (ii) the Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method certificate and (iii) the DGNB (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen), a certificate by the German Sustainable Building Council. Since 2019, the WELL Certification, which additionally assesses the building’s impact on its users’ physical and mental health, has been gaining in popularity. Since 2010, the Czech Republic has also had a national model called SBToolCZ (Sustainable Building Tool), which offers certification for building development plans and subsequent certification once the building has been constructed, with the Czech Technical University in Prague serving as the respective development and training center. However, it remains a voluntary system and has not been widely adopted.
According to a consultancy company report from 2023, a recognized building certification is seen as desirable on the market, for both new and refurbished buildings. Certifications are thus established as a relevant decision-making criterium for potential tenants, contributing to lower vacancy risk and higher rental premiums.