Both foreign nationals who wish to work in Taiwan and their employers in Taiwan must meet the qualifications criteria before the foreign nationals will be granted work permits. The WDA serves as the country's one-stop shop for work permits for foreign professionals. The WDA aims to reduce the confusion that existed when different government organizations were separately responsible for processing and issuing foreign work permits for professionals in industries under their purview. The WDA processes work permits in the following areas:
Foreign nationals' intracompany transfers must comply with the same criteria and standards applicable to skilled workers (white-collar workers), except for short-term (not exceeding 30 days) contract performance. If the scheduled period of contract performance is between 31 days and 90 days, the foreign national still has to apply for a valid work permit within a period of 30 days after entering Taiwan. If the scheduled period of contract performance exceeds 90 days, the foreign national's work permit application must comply with the same criteria and standards applicable to skilled workers. The Taiwanese legal entity to which the foreign national will be transferred must take the role of an application agent in the foreign national's work permit application.
An employer seeking to engage foreign technical and professional personnel to work in Taiwan must serve as any one of the following:
There are no established quotas for foreign workers in Taiwan. The Ministry of Labor, along with specific industry authorities, will decide on the number of work permits that it will grant each year based on an evaluation of the employment market, the employers' industries and the social and economic development of the country.
The Ministry of Labor instituted a new points-based scoring system for foreign students, overseas compatriot students and other overseas students of Chinese descent if they have graduated and obtained a bachelor's degree from a public or private university in Taiwan. This operates despite the fact that these students would not normally qualify for a work permit, as most lack a minimum of two years of work experience in the related field. However, the new system will calculate an applicant's scores by considering a range of factors, including the following:
If the foreign national's final scores reach 70 points or greater, they will qualify for work permit approval. The employment quota for the scoring system in the 2024 calendar year is 7,000.
Foreign nationals, other than a company's managerial representative, must meet certain education and experience requirements before being granted a permit to work in Taiwan. As applicable, these requirements are as follows:
The above-mentioned qualifications are not required for a foreign national employed as a registered executive or managerial officer (e.g., general manager or branch manager) of a foreign company in Taiwan.
The Taiwanese government began enforcing the Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals ("Act") on 8 February 2018, with its purpose to attract more foreign professionals to work in Taiwan. In this regard, the government authorities have initiated measures including a tax incentive program and retirement benefits for those foreign nationals who meet any one of the criteria for the listed professional/technical fields. There is a total of 10 special professional/technical fields, as follows:
The Act contains many benefits under certain terms and conditions, as follows: