Employment assignments
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Employment assignments
Work Permit

A Work Permit may be issued to lesser-skilled or unskilled foreign workers (e.g., foreign factory workers, construction workers, domestic maids). The number of Work Permit holders a company can employ is limited by industry-specific quotas.

Generally, Work Permits are issued for a period of two years depending on the validity of the applicant's passport, the duration of the security bond and the period of employment.

Work permits will be issued to semi-skilled foreign workers with suitable qualifications, as well as unskilled foreign workers.

Foreign workers holding Work Permits are not allowed to bring their immediate family members to live with them in Singapore.

Unless the company has a levy waiver in respect of a foreign worker, companies employing Work Permit holders are required to pay a foreign worker tax, the amount of which varies from industry to industry, and depends on whether the worker is skilled or unskilled, and the number of Work Permit holders already employed by the company.

Similar to the S Pass, employers need to purchase medical insurance coverage of at least SGD 60,000 per year for each Work Permit holder.

Employers also need to purchase a security bond for each non-Malaysian Work Permit holder they want to employ, in the form of a banker's insurance or insurance guarantee to support the security bond.

An application for a Work Permit is submitted online to the MOM and takes approximately one week to process.
In general

All matters pertaining to the employment of foreign nationals in Singapore come under the MOM's review.

The MOM adopts a graduated approach toward foreign talent, offering the most attractive terms to those who can contribute the most to the economy to help draw them to Singapore.

Top talent, including professionals, entrepreneurs, investors and talented specialists, such as world-class artists and musicians, are allowed to come to Singapore with their spouses, children and parents. This privilege, however, is not extended to all workers.
Employment Pass

Employment Passes are issued to foreign nationals who work in managerial, executive or specialized roles, earn the qualifying salary applicable to their age and industry, and have acceptable qualifications, usually consisting of a reputable university degree, professional qualifications or specialist skills. In addition, Employment Pass applicants must pass the MOM's points-based Complementarity Assessment Framework.

The spouse and children under 21 years of age of Employment Pass holders who earn at least SGD 6,000 are eligible for Dependent's Passes to stay in Singapore. In addition, those earning SGD 12,000 or more may also bring their parents on long-term visit passes.

To apply and hire Employment Pass holders, a company is required to advertise the relevant job position on the MyCareersFuture.sg portal (formerly known as the Jobs Bank), a free job portal established by the Singapore government, and consider all applicants fairly. This is in line with the Fair Consideration Framework (FCF) introduced by the MOM. Certain exceptions apply to small companies, high-level or short-term employees, and intra-corporate transferees.

The FCF requires companies to do the following:

  • Advertise on the MyCareersFuture.sg portal before submitting Employment Pass applications
  • Provide accurate job descriptions so that suitable local applicants may apply
  • Hire based on merit

Singaporean employers should not discriminate on characteristics that are not related to the job, such as age, gender, nationality or race. The MOM has increased enforcement efforts to ensure that employers cease engaging in any discriminatory hiring practices and that Singaporeans are considered fairly for the vacancies.

S Pass

The S Pass is meant for employers to hire skilled workers who may not meet the requirements for an Employment Pass. Employers need to pay a monthly levy and also purchase medical insurance coverage of at least SGD 60,000 per year for each S Pass worker. The MOM currently places a quota on the number of S Pass holders a company may employ, being a percentage of the company's total workforce depending on the industry sector (such as service, construction or manufacturing).

Before applying for an S Pass, employers must first advertise the job on the MyCareersFuture.sg portal, unless they meet any of the following grounds for exemption:

  • The company has fewer than 10 employees.
  • The fixed monthly salary for the vacancy is SGD 22,500 or above.
  • The vacancy is short term, i.e., no more than one month.
  • The role is to be filled by a local transferee, i.e., an existing employee from a company in Singapore transferring to another related branch, subsidiary or affiliate in Singapore.

The advertisement must be open for at least 14 consecutive days before employers submit an S Pass application.

Similar to Employment Pass holders, an S Pass holder must earn a fixed monthly salary of at least SGD 6,000 to be eligible for Dependent's Passes for their spouse and children under 21 years of age.
Additional information

Applications for Employment Passes and S Passes can be made for a duration of up to two years. These work passes can be renewed six months before their expiry date. The duration granted in the first instance and for renewals is at the MOM's discretion. The maximum duration has been extended to three years for renewals.

The Singapore government aims to reduce Singapore's dependence on foreign labor in various sectors. In line with this, it announced reductions to the quota of S Pass and Work Permit holders that companies may hire. 
Work Pass Account Registration

Work Pass Account Registration is a portal for business employers to register for various work pass online accounts, including EP eService and WP Online, and also to declare their business activity.

An administrative user must be appointed. As an account for SingPass (the Singapore government's online portal) is required to log in, this person should be either a Singapore citizen, Singapore PR or work pass holder.

It takes about five working days for the EP eService accounts selected to be set up. Once this has been processed, the account holder will be able to perform the various transactions immediately.
EP eService

This is a one-stop portal for companies and organizations to perform transactions, such as the following:

  • Submit new applications for Dependent's Passes, long-term visit passes, Letters of Consent and Training Employment Passes (not applicable to employment agencies)
  • Renew applications for Employment Passes (excluding the sponsorship scheme), S Passes, Dependent's Passes, long-term visit passes and Letters of Consent
  • Upload relevant supporting documents for work passes/related pass applications
  • Appeal rejected applications
  • Check applications and renewal statuses
  • View the reasons for rejection for most of the unsuccessful applications
  • Access and print application outcome letters and notification letters
  • Check an organization's S Pass quota and tier information
Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass

The Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass is a personalized pass for top talent in all sectors, such as business, arts and culture, sports, academia, and research. Applicants must meet at least one of the criteria below:

  • Earned a fixed monthly salary of at least SGD 30,000 or its equivalent in foreign currency for the last 12 consecutive months (Overseas candidates must also show that they have been working for an established company overseas for at least one year.)
  • Will earn a fixed monthly salary of at least SGD 30,000 under an established company that is based in Singapore

For a company to be considered established, it must have at least one of the following:

  • Market capitalization or valuation of at least USD 500 million
  • Annual revenue of at least USD 200 million

Combined amounts from the entire global office can also be considered and will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

To be eligible for renewal, the pass holder must meet one of the following:

  • Earned a fixed monthly salary of at least SGD 30,000 on average over the past five years in Singapore
  • Started and is operating a Singapore-based company that employs at least five locals, each earning a fixed monthly salary of at least SGD 5,000 (pegged to the EP minimum qualifying salary)

Pass holders may bring their spouse, children under 21 years of age and parents into Singapore.


The EntrePass is an employment pass for foreign entrepreneurs who would like to start a new business in Singapore. Applications must be made online. The MOM will issue EntrePasses for successful applicants.

The EntrePass holder must be actively involved in the operations of the Singapore company or business. When submitting the EntrePass application, the applicant must not have registered the business with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority for longer than six months.

Applicants must also fulfill at least one of the following requirements:

  • The applicant received funding or investment from a recognized third-party venture capitalist or business angel who is accredited by a Singapore government agency.
  • The applicant holds intellectual property that is registered with an approved national IP institution.
  • The applicant has an ongoing research collaboration with a research institution recognized by the Agency for Science, Technology and Research or institutes of higher learning in Singapore.
  • The applicant is an incubatee at an incubator supported by the Singapore government.
  • The applicant has significant business experience or networks and a promising entrepreneurial track record of starting highly scalable businesses and wants to establish, develop and manage a new or existing business in Singapore.
  • The applicant has exceptional technical or domain expertise in an area related to the proposed business.
  • The applicant has an outstanding track record of investing in businesses and wants to grow new or existing businesses in Singapore.

Renewal of the EntrePass should be taken into consideration at the outset. For each year that the applicant holds an EntrePass, both the number of local jobs they need to create and the required minimum total business spending by the business venture increases.

The proposed business venture must not be engaged in illegal activities. In addition, businesses not of an entrepreneurial nature (e.g., coffee shops, hawker centers, food courts, foot reflexology, massage parlors, karaoke lounges, money changing/remitting services, newspaper vending, geomancy, tuition services and employment agencies) will not be considered for an EntrePass.

Personalized Employment Pass

The Personalized Employment Pass (PEP) is a premium work pass for top-tier foreign talent. The difference between the PEP and a normal Employment Pass is that the normal Employment Pass is linked to a specific employer and any change in employer requires a fresh application for a new Employment Pass. As such, unless an Employment Pass holder is able to find employment with a new company, they may be required to leave Singapore if they do not hold any other relevant entry permits, such as a visit pass. In contrast, the PEP is linked to the individual and will be granted based on the strength of an individual's merits. The processing time for a PEP application is estimated to be about eight weeks. Only applications submitted electronically will be processed.

The PEP will allow holders to remain unemployed in Singapore for up to six continuous months to search for employment opportunities, after which the PEP will expire. PEP holders can generally take on employment in any sector, with the exception of some jobs that may require prior permission.

Foreign nationals earning a fixed monthly salary of at least SGD 22,500 are eligible for the PEP.

If approved, the PEP will be valid for three years and is nonrenewable. PEP holders must earn a minimum annual salary of at least SGD 270,000 during this period. A PEP applicant may bring their spouse, children under 21 years of age and parents. PEP holders and their employers will need to keep the MOM informed of any changes in the PEP holders' employment status and contact details and will have to agree to reveal their annual basic salary to the MOM.
Work Holiday Pass
Work Holiday Program (WHP)

The Work Holiday Pass issued under the WHP is for university undergraduates and graduates who would like to work and holiday in Singapore. Applicants must be studying or have graduated from recognized universities in selected countries, such as Australia, France, Germany and Hong Kong SAR, among others. Undergraduates who would like to apply must have been a resident and full-time student of the university for at least three months before the time of application. The WHP is valid for six months and is not renewable. The WHP has a capacity of 2,000 applicants at any one time.

Work and Holiday Visa Program (WHVP)

The Work Holiday Pass issued under the WHVP is a similar pass catering to Australian citizens who are studying at or have graduated from university. Applicants need to hold a university degree or have completed the equivalent of two years of full-time university study at any university. The WHVP is valid for up to 12 months and is not renewable. There are some limitations for holders of this pass, such as being unable to take up freelance employment. The WHVP has a capacity of 500 applicants at any one time.