Last review date: 18 January 2024
☒ general obligation to take appropriate / reasonable technical, physical and/or organizational security measures
☐ obligation to take specific security measures e.g., encryption
☐ requirement to undertake third party due diligence (security assessment of third party providers)
☒ encryption
☒ other
Last review date: 18 January 2024
☐ public company obligations (e.g., duties to maintain sufficient information security measures or ensure operational resilience to cyberattacks)
☐ network information security requirements (broader than telecommunications)
☒ health regulatory requirements
☐ financial services requirements
☒ telecommunication requirements
☒ providers of critical infrastructure
☒ other
There are obligations to adopt measures to guarantee confidentiality of the information for the marked sectors. The DPA has stated that a cyberattack could breach the duty to guarantee confidentiality.
If yes, please provide brief details of the relevant law or regulation.
Last review date: 18 January 2024
☐ Data privacy
☐ Securities or public company
☐ network information security
☐ health
☐ financial services
☐ telecommunications
☐ critical infrastructure
☐ other