Data Localization/Residency
Are there data localization / data residency or other types of laws that may require the retention and storage of personal data in the local jurisdiction?

Last review date: 10 January 2024


☐  a) data localization / data residency laws that mandate retention of personal data or a copy thereof in the local jurisdiction (include whether copies or the original data may be also be stored outside of the jurisdiction):
☒   b) other laws that may require the retention and storage of personal data (including, for example, where such data is part of another type of record or dataset) in the local jurisdiction or otherwise prohibit the transfer or disclosure of the personal data outside of the local jurisdiction:
☐     national security laws
☐     anti-investigatory/blocking statutes that restrict any activity on local territory that aids a foreign government investigation
☐    tax or financial record laws
☐    employment laws
☐    export control laws
☒    other